We provide with our consultants safety consultancy and coordination of work activities in construction sites (P.I. 410/2015), including duties and procedures which are required by the legislation (safety committees, personnel training, safety audits, issue of H&S plans and files).
- H&S plan: A health and safety plan is a plan for a construction project that is designed in accordance with the legislative requirements (P.I. 410/2015) covering the working procedures, roles and responsibilities of the staff, and the emergency action plan etc.. The health and safety plan of a project mainly describes what kind of hazards are involved in the project, how they can be overcome and what sort of equipment will be used to overcome the problem.
- H&S File: A Health and Safety File (HSF) is required on all construction projects according to the legislation (P.I. 410/2015). The health and safety file contains the information needed to allow future construction work, including cleaning, maintenance, alterations refurbishment and demolition to be carried out safely.